Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Pieces of the puzzle my life is

Our life is a puzzle made up of little pieces that come together in perfect harmony. All of them have a special place and a special shape that make them fit so that each other holds the other tightly to make a complete scene. Here are a few of mine.

Thursday, November 06, 2008



We live this rat race life we have been finally carried away into, not realizing that most of the time the true important things in it, go bye, and we are unawared of little things that in the long run become important.
We fail to perceive a little gesture, the lack of of a word at an important moment, the little hints we were left there to follow. Yet, we go on ahead, cause that is what we have to do. To carry on, to accomplish our goals, those that have been set so long ago that we have almost forgotten what they were meant for. An in this continuos, never ending cycle we have entered and that will repeat once and again becoming almost imperceptible to us, we lose ourselves, and we lose those around. trustworthy people are hard to find and in this eagerness to reach the finishing line we blindly believe that we will be accompanied by those we have deposited our faith in. Times have changed, this kind of thought is a thing of the past, so we'd better face the fact that the only trustworthy human being around is us. There might be someone else but this would be a miracle to find. IN the long run we have to come to accept that everybody has its own canoe to paddle and luckily will manage to do so if follows the old English saying, that travels faster who travels light.
But again, Maktub, who knows miracles do happen and we might come across this weirdo who does believe past ways were not so bad and has come to realize that trustworthiness is something that really matters and which might bring about some profit in the end. The gain that counting on an equal brings about, that feeling that guarantees you won't spend a life pulling alone of a cart that is too heavy for anyone to tow, the bliss of getting somewhere, whatever place you call home to find a true smile waiting for your arrival, the feeling of belonging that after all reminds us of the one main reason we are human beings, the greagarious need to share our existance with some other human beings.

This was written exactly about a year ago, when the beginning of the end started. When I got the worst piece of news I thought I could get, yet there were many more nasty pieces of news to come and of course as the saying goes.... that which does not kill you only makes you stronger, thanks for the piece of advice.

Mirando la distancia
Y olvidando la constancia
Encuentro en la ausencia
Más que paciencia

Se enfría la mirada
Se aparta el pensamiento
Y entre tanto lamento
Haber estado angustiada

Pasan las sonrisas
Pasan los rencores
Y asoman los temores
En el borde de la prisa

Cuanto cuesta la confianza
Esa que se da entera
Porque al final queda
Solo la añoranza

Hay quienes ponen distancia
Para jugar este juego
Y en el mismo hay prestancia
Para el amor pasajero

Hay quienes dan todo
Y nada esperan
Pero a la larga encuentran
Un nuevo velo

Ese que trae incertidumbre
Ese que muestra el acero
De unos ojos que antes
Parecían sinceros

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Let the universe help us.

Ups and downs make up our existance. We tend to treat the ups with joy and the downs with disregard. Always complaining about what doesn't quite meet our expectations for happiness or perfection. However, we also tend to forget that the hand that created all was wiser than us and made our existance complete with enough ups and downs to deal with; so as to grow and gain experience. What is on our dish today might be poison but it is necessary to prepare us for the good food. We have to learn, to follow our inner hints, the ones that will lead us along rocky and thorny paths towards greener gardens. But we should also remember that it will not always be colourful flower beds, for if it were, we would simply stop paying attention to it. We should be carried away by our desire to go ahead
looking for our personal treasure, looking for our own legend, but at the same time we should not forget the here and now that make our existance worthwhile. Because if we forget that very simple principle, we start trotting behind an ilusion and and ilusion is something that is not yet true. The future is not here and may not even come, but today is here to be enjoyed to the last drop. I guess that i'm beginning to feel my trip has started. First of all i've decided to stop believing that life is a rehersal. It is life,here and now to be enjoyed. Dreams and Projects are all very well if we do enjoy the way towards them and we share it with whoever is next to us in that moment. If we only focus in our final destination, we will only discover that we got there alone and actually we have had not much time left to enjoy it. And what i have already discovered as well is that if you really want something at heart, then the universe and the master hand above all will help it to come true.

Sunday, October 26, 2008


Hints, Luck and Coincidences

Maktub is a word i have recetly learned whether it really exists in Arabic or not it will remain a mistery. What i know is what the person who used it meant by it. It means "everything is already written". weird enough we come to this world thinking we have the power to do what we want and we can rule out our own destiny completely. However, as time goes by we face up the fact that everything is not so easy. Then we come up against different instances in which we feel lucky to have obtained what we wanted, some other times we blame destiny. But all in all, as i grow old, i feel that everything is kind of "written" for you, there, expecting you to take it. Of course, we have free will to choose what we want but it is always easier if we listen to our feelings, to the hints in our soul which tell us the best path for whatever we have ahead. As a rebel i have the impression that i have wasted half of my life going against myself. for i have never paid attention to the hints that where placed in front of me. Sometimes i have considered myself lucky to get what i wanted and others i have put the blame on the universe for plotting against me.. now almost kicking forty i have finally begun to understand that luck is just the hint, the hint that shows the most convenient path, the easiest one to live happily and to enjoy life and love. Love in whatever way we think of it. and that coincidences do not actually exist. There is a plan, which is there for us to know, we are part of that master plan so as to enjoy the universe and live happily in bliss, the bliss that the knowledge of your well being brings about. Coincidences are just overt calls of attention for the absentminded ones who still need some pushing around in order to let this energy the universe shares with us to flow and let it reach others and share with them this unspoken well spread secret. so bewared next time you feel there is a coincidence, for actually it is a hint that you are finally lucky to see clearly what awaits for you for the rest of the road. and if you are wise enough you maybe take this free, simple piece of happiness and make it yours to enjoy and to share.

Saturday, October 25, 2008



Everytime I 've moved I had all my friends asking the same question: Don't you miss your home? The thing is: What do they define by home? or worse, what do I define by home? I have been moving homes since I am 15. Never far away from the same city. However, I have never come to form an attatchment to any physical possession or wall, or door or room even to a garden, no matter how much effort I had put into making it look gorgeous.
With time and years and random moving I have come to understand the English when they say, Home is where you hang your hat. I have hung my hat many times in many different places, so the moment i step in and i take off my shoes, i feel at home.
So do my kids, blessed no doubt by having me as a mother, or cursed they may think, but they feel as much as i do about this. Home is what we know, the comfort of a warm, cosy place in winter or the window through which we see our lives go by. HOme is what we love, weekends in bed, playing endless battles where we team against the other and drive him or even me crazy by pricking where most bothers... or working together in the kitchen where we cook chipa together, or breakfast prepared by Manu every Sunday, where the most experienced waiter would be at a disadvantage. Home is where we love and feel loved. HOme is us, each of us, we three are home, whereever we go. In our hometown or on holidays, in a wonderful hotel room or in the cheapest accomodation we can afford. Home is our hearts, tender and full of love for each other, not so patient though, but always ready to embrace the one who feels worse that day. HOME IS WHAT WE KNOW AND LOVE, the fact that no matter where life takes us, we can always count on each other

Friday, October 03, 2008


As time goes bye

Life is a funny maze that keeps of winding and winding and let’s you stranded from time to time. But that is only apparent, for we are never really still, even when we think we are something is going on below the surface. Is it growing up? Is it enhancing our capacity to defend ourselves from endless failures? Whatever it is, it feels like the throbbing that imperceptible pushes your blood everywhere else. It is like a million ants running below your skin, and there we are again, feeling alive, full of energy and ready to enjoy a new ride. For what is life but a bunch of rides that bring thrill and excitement every time you venture into something new.
Something that has always amazed me is the capacity that human beings have to recover from the worst and make a new start. Is it this rescilient capacity humanity has to touch botton line and start again a gift? That much I don’t know but what I know for sure is that time heals all wounds and time cleans all cobwebs and there is always a bright window somewhere we can look through. And everytime we are stronger that the previous one and ready to get on a new experience and to make the most of it, just for the time it lasts.
I have come to understand that I have completely lost the belief of the old coined “for ever” things are just for now. Many a time I have uttered the expression “life is not a rehearsal” without actually putting into practice myself. However, almost kicking forty, I have come to value the flavour of readiness and the openness towards new concepts of life. Unfortunately, we live in a society that determines how life should be lived and according to what paradigms. To Heck with them. I’m happy to say I have found my own paradigm to abide by and feel pretty happy to live by it. No regrets, no explanations, no constrains.

Monday, March 24, 2008


No country for Old Men

Sin Lugar para los debiles, excelente pelicula. Una vision totalmente distinta de un relato de las aventuras pueblerinas. Ambientada en los anios 80 con Tommy Lee Jones en las botas de un sheriff de pueblo que deja boquiabiertos a los mas eficientes oficiales de CSI, quien sin hostentacion alguna puede describir la escena del crimen y quien intenta decifrar como la mente criminal ha evolucionado o involucionado hasta un estado casi primitivo. Un Josh Brolin que muestra la mente del veterano de guerra de Vietman que ha ido a una guerra y regresado para ser olvidado como heroe de guerra y un Javier Barden que nos deja boquiabiertos. Excepcional personificacion de un psicopata a sueldo que no deja de sorprendernos. Duelo de titanes hasta el final y el comentario final de la pelicula que conscientiza a todos de el mundo que se avecina... ya desde el lugar de un comisario a punto de retirarse pero que no quiere aceptar que ya como el dinosaraurio esta en vias de extincion. Que la disfruten. Aviso, ojo con la sangre.

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