Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Let the universe help us.

Ups and downs make up our existance. We tend to treat the ups with joy and the downs with disregard. Always complaining about what doesn't quite meet our expectations for happiness or perfection. However, we also tend to forget that the hand that created all was wiser than us and made our existance complete with enough ups and downs to deal with; so as to grow and gain experience. What is on our dish today might be poison but it is necessary to prepare us for the good food. We have to learn, to follow our inner hints, the ones that will lead us along rocky and thorny paths towards greener gardens. But we should also remember that it will not always be colourful flower beds, for if it were, we would simply stop paying attention to it. We should be carried away by our desire to go ahead
looking for our personal treasure, looking for our own legend, but at the same time we should not forget the here and now that make our existance worthwhile. Because if we forget that very simple principle, we start trotting behind an ilusion and and ilusion is something that is not yet true. The future is not here and may not even come, but today is here to be enjoyed to the last drop. I guess that i'm beginning to feel my trip has started. First of all i've decided to stop believing that life is a rehersal. It is life,here and now to be enjoyed. Dreams and Projects are all very well if we do enjoy the way towards them and we share it with whoever is next to us in that moment. If we only focus in our final destination, we will only discover that we got there alone and actually we have had not much time left to enjoy it. And what i have already discovered as well is that if you really want something at heart, then the universe and the master hand above all will help it to come true.

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