Sunday, March 18, 2007



Simple as it may seem to talk about love is a tough issue to deal with. Love, as most of us expect is a feeling that is associated with other human beings, but how love can be understood by each other in this bilateral negotiation, is a different matter.

Love is understanding and patience some say. Love can defeat all evil, others argue. Apparently Love is this “ever lasting mark” Shakespeare talks about in his sonnets that “can not be removed” with a remover to remove …. But has anyone come to think that love is a feeble and unearthly feeling that has to be strengthened day after day to be effective. Have all lovers all over history come to think of love as a never ending struggle against routine and emptiness?

Hard as it may seem, not once can one forget that love either to our children, to our kinship, to our friends and most important of all to our partners is an endeavouring energy consuming effort in order to refurbish old traditions and attitudes into new ones.

It is not without the everyday conviction and your best idea and your best proposal, is yet to come, that we conquer our future for us and for our beloved ones. The struggle for happiness and requinted love never ends. ON the contrary it should be faced everyday every minute, every second in order to keep our victories and threaten with more to come.
It is in our understanding of others and their fears that we grow stronger and become able to make a hit of it. It is in this positive mind and in our daily effort that we get our feedback to go on. For us for the ones we love. It is in this generous way of feeling that we are happy for others even if their happiness is not next to us or under our shadow.
It is in their smiles and their thriumph that we know our love has been there all the way.

But love is a silent stand upon which many a true one relaxes, and it must remain silent if it wants to be effective demanding nothing in return but giving everything there is to give.

What do we talk about when we talk about love? We talk about others and their happiness. For when we love is when we feel at our best. It is better to love and die, the motto goes, than to die and never have experienced love.

Maybe if we are lucky enough we may come across someone whose idea of Love matches ours and thus be at last rewarded and also be blessed by being loved in return without asking. Miracles do happen………

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